Semantic Colors
This page provides an introduction to the semantic colors used in the Vendetta theme format.
Last updated
This page provides an introduction to the semantic colors used in the Vendetta theme format.
Last updated
HEADER_PRIMARY : The primary color for headers, such as channel and server names (also for settings page text and profiles)
HEADER_SECONDARY : The secondary color for headers, such as channel and server names (also for settings page text and profiles, status, user tags)
TEXT_NORMAL : The color for regular text in chat
TEXT_MUTED : The color for muted text, also for time stamps in chat, texts in search bar, text in settings page (channels, vendetta), changes the send icon button if chat box is empty & some loading elements.
TEXT_LINK : The color for links in chat
INTERACTIVE_NORMAL : The color for interactive elements, such as buttons in settings page and bottom bar.
INTERACTIVE_HOVER : The color for interactive elements when hovered over
INTERACTIVE_ACTIVE : The color for interactive elements when clicked or activated like active or unread channels and selected buttons in bottom bar, names in friend lists
INTERACTIVE_MUTED : Interactive Muted: The color for inactive interactive elements like muted channels.
BACKGROUND_PRIMARY : The primary background color for the UI, navigation bar, channel background for tabV2
BACKGROUND_SECONDARY : Outer background for profiles Outer background for forum posts Background for single line code block thingys Outer backround for context menus (can be overwritten by BG_BASE_SECONDARY) Audit log info backround
BACKGROUND_SECONDARY_ALT : Chat Input background [Add Files, Gift Buttons], Emoji/GIF/Sticker slider background.
BACKGROUND_TERTIARY: Global Border background when elements are slide out [Server List, User List], Search Bar background, top bar separator when in channel.
BACKGROUND_ACCENT: Reply Pipe, Edit user Profile button, Album Buttons, Thread Buttons, Invite server button background in channel list.
BACKGROUND_MOBILE_PRIMARY: Audit log outer background CloudSync outer background (CloudSync)
BACKGROUND_MESSAGE_HOVER: The color for interactive elements when hovered over
BACKGROUND_MODIFIER_HOVER: Background color of slash commands
BACKGROUND_MODIFIER_ACTIVE: Background color of clyde message and some other elements, selected server emotes
BACKGROUND_MODIFIER_SELECTED: Background color of selected User or Channel
BACKGROUND_MODIFIER_ACCENT: background for icons in the settings menu
BG_BACKDROP: Colour of context menus
BG_BASE_PRIMARY : Outer chatbox background (dark mode) Top chat header Channels list Messages page Notifications page
BG_BASE_SECONDARY: Settings pages Outer background for context menus
CARD_PRIMARY_BG: Inner backround on you tab page Inner backround on context menus
CARD_SECONDARY_BG: Inner background of plugins/theme cards [pyoncord]
CHANNEL_ICON: Chat input text, Symbols [@, Lock, # (except muted channels)
CHAT_BACKGROUND: Theme’s the background of chat
CHANNEL_TEXT_AREA_PLACEHOLDER: Theme’s the “message” text in chat box
TEXT_DANGER: Themes the Delete button in plugins and themes settings, leave server button and some texts in clyde messages
REDESIGN_BUTTON_SECONDARY_BACKGROUND: "Edit status" button (tabsv2) "Edit profile" button (tabsv2)
Attachment button Gift button Search button
Add friends button
Message request button
Events button
SPOILER_HIDDEN_BACKGROUND: Themes the hidden spoiler background